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Born in Barcelona Study:. If it starts to paint the school he Sanvisens y Taller de los Botero Ramn painters and Ima Millet. . Graduate in Fine Arts by the University of Barcelona in the specialty of painting. . Beca del Department of Sculpture of the Faculty of Fine Arts to him Cer-cle St. Lluc Artistic Barcelona. . Certificate of Aptitude in CAP he Pedaggica Experimental Course Form cin-initial Secondary Teacher of him in...

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25.59 x 31.89 in
31.89 x 25.59 in
31.89 x 26.77 in
21.65 x 21.65 in
21.26 x 25.59 in
18.11 x 14.96 in
15.35 x 11.81 in
10.63 x 8.66 in
10.63 x 8.66 in
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Born in Barcelona Study:. If it starts to paint the school he Sanvisens y Taller de los Botero Ramn painters and Ima Millet. . Graduate in Fine Arts by the University of Barcelona in the specialty of painting. . Beca del Department of Sculpture of the Faculty of Fine Arts to him Cer-cle St. Lluc Artistic Barcelona. . Certificate of Aptitude in CAP he Pedaggica Experimental Course Form cin-initial Secondary Teacher of him in the Educacin Artstica. . Studies in the School lithographer Llotja Barcelona. . Currently it shares with the produccin artstica teaching. 1989 solo exhibition gallery Tavern. Barcelona Room 1993 Room 1996 Pericas.Vic Dart Dart Tito. Vic St. Andreu Civic Centre. Barcelona Museo de la Ciudad, BenjamMas to Join. La Habana. Cuba 2000 Magenta Room Dart. Vilanova i la Geltr2001 Academy of Fine Arts. Sabadell 2002 Auditorium Municipal. Montcada i Reixac 2003 Exhibition Hall del Gran Casino de Barcelona 2003 Casa de los Navarre in Barcelona 2004 Finca Mas Soler. St. Pere of Ribes. Barcelona Art gallery rooms Molmar.Pamplona 2005 Culture Granollers i Sant Jordi Solsona. 2008 Farm FundaciCaixa Catalunya Ajuntament Santa SOLDEVILA Perpetual Mogoda MAIN COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS 1994 BARNADIS Jordi Galera. Barcelona gallery Manel Mayoral. Barcelona 1995 schedule participation By 1995, Tito Dart Room. Home Golferichs Vic 1996. Exposicin Navas, Miguelena-Palomo, 1997 Pelaez.Barcelona I Muestra Dart of the Viladecans lAteneu 1998 Hiperart Les Escaldes. Andorra 1999 Academy of Fine Arts.Pelaez, Palomo-Miguelena, Mercat Valls.Sabadell Dart TradArt gallery. Sabadell Marc 2001 3. Personajes Ficcin.Barcelona from 2002 and Oya Kuniaki Spanish painters. Osaka.Japn Catalan Contemporary Painting 2003. Puebla. Arnau Sala Dart Mxico. Del Rey, Miguelena-Palomo, 2004 150 Sequeros.Barcelona Artstas contemporaries. Dart Room 2005 Arnau.Barcelona participation Exposicin roving El color de la Paraula Civic Center Matas i Ramis; Just Can; Puerta Soller. Barcelona Imatges i paraules del Quijote. Matas i Ramis. Barcelona 151 contemporary artists. Arnau Sala Dart. Barcelona 2006, Mendez-Arjol Tripiana-Palomo Miguelena.CC Guinard2007 Work Grfica 2ona part. Collective Civic Centre Barcelona Collective Dart Arnau Sala. Barcelona Grup ArtalArt 2008. Centre de ProducciCultural Pulidor.St Adridel Bess Y COMPETITIONS AWARDS 1988 Selected in the fourth Biennial 1991 2 Montblanc Award Painting Competition St Feliu del Llobregat 5 XI Award Finalist in Painting brave. Vilanoveta mencins honorfica in 1995 LIII Painting Competition Centelles mencins honorfica II Award in Painting Montcada i Reixac I 1996 Award Finalist in Painting III Montcada i Reixac XII in 1998 Accsit Painting Competition 1999 Selected Sanvisens.Sitges III on Art Biennale del FC Barcelona I mencins National Award in Painting JRMasoliver.Montcada i Reixac films selected in 2000 National Award for Painting 2001 JR Masoliver LIX in Selected Works Painting Competition Centelles Finalist in National Award for Painting 2002 JRMasoliver.Montcada i Reixac mencins Honorfica in premiu JRMasoliver National Painting Contest 2003 participation of Painting and Sculpture 2004 Nostromo.Barcelona participation Sanvisens Painting Competition. Sitges 2004 Artwork selected LXII concur Centelles Painting II Prize Winner in Painting and Sculpture Nostromo. Barcelona mencins 1 National Award in Painting JRMasoliver. Montcada 2005 III Prize in Painting Contest Sculpture and Nostromo. Barcelona 2006 Selected Prize in Valenti.Vilanoveta selected premiu Painting JRMasoliver.Montcada i Reixac 2007 Participates in XXI concur Painting Sanvisens.Sitges publications. Dictionary of Artstas Rafols. Dictionary of Painters and Sculptors del S. XX.Tomo 11.Ed Forum Artis. Yearbook Artstas.Ao 2000.Quien y Porqu.Ed Art and Heritage. Palomo-Miguelena.Periodico Ausona, criticized by MAFVic 1993. Exposicin collective MostrArt94.Galera Manel Mayoral.El Peridico Ca-PAK\'I, seccin things of the life, society, criticism of JMCadena 27-9-94. El Punto de las Artes, seccin Catalunya, al 6-10-94 crtica 30-9. Miralles providing, by Mireia crtica Punt. Vic 1996. Telefnica magazine interview. March 1999. El 9 Nou, seccin espectculo and culture, 8-6 crtica-99.Diari Sabadell.Cr of-ethics, interview and photograph. Calendar of Cultural Activities of the Generalitat de Catalunya-tat. Department of Culture, Junya 1999 n 132. Diari de Vilanova, 8-9-00 seccin culture, TV del Garraf 9-00. Book cover him corazny SONET-de otros sones JFMartinez.Ed Hull. Book Cover Lovers Of Dawn them - from JFMartinez Ed. Hull. Author Cartel Fira de Moia 2002. He point them arts, cataln Mbit. Madrid 11 al 17 de Mayo 2001. Diari de Sabadell, seccin society, art has crtica Rose. Three artists, three muestras. 19 May 2001. La Came from Montcada i Reixac 1 and 2 Fever Fortnight 2002. Linea Valls - Fortnight 2, Montcada i Reixac. Quaderns Vallencana of (literary magazine) n1 i Reixac Edic.FundaciMasoliver.Montcada. . Work in the Col.lecciBanc Sabadell

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